Thursday, June 23, 2011

Attack of the B's!!!!!

Bhuwan, Bella, Bebo, Buwa, Bhailu, bhuja, Business, Baking, Basa, Buses, and Boy! Bhuwan=The boy who lives with Sneha and sleeps outside my door (I feel so protected!)He speaks English, but I have to work hard to get him to talk to me. Bella= Sneha's Yellow Labrador who is so sweet. Bebo= Sneha's German Shepard dog who hates and absolutely terrifies me! I swear her eyes can see the fear in my own and she smiles... Buwa=Nepali word for Father. Rajan and I worked out at the gym (with NO airconditioning!!!) We also spend a lot of time with Sangita's Buwa. We ate dinner with him last night and saw a musa (mouse). I wasn't a fan to say the least, so now the joke is to yell "MUSA" and see my reaction. Sadly it works everytime. Bhuja=Rice; I eat a lot of bhuja and love it most with simi (greenbeans). Business=No fun, but necessary. Sneha, Pradipti, Raghabendra and I have been doing a lot of work for Making Lives Better and preparing for their Projects for Peace trip in July. We have met with many people about different things: Blessings in a Backpack (MLB's project that will take place tomorrow!!!), water purification systems, transportation etc... I am not engaged (and fight to stay awake in most) in these meetings because they conduct business in Nepali and I get soooo lost and confused! But, everything is going well and we (well, Sneha and Pradipti did the purchasing, because as a foreigner I would get charged much more) even bought more handicrafts to sell for MLB. Watch out Westminster, there are some awesome things coming your way! Baking=I brought my love of baking cakes to Nepal, and wish I would have brought the tools to do so as well!! I've made 4 cakes now without measuring cups, a cake pan, oven or mixer! To say the least I've been very creative..... :-) Basa=Nepali word for sit. Bus=A bus just like you would think. We took a bus to visit the school where we will donate Blessings in a Backpack. If you don't let my parents know, I'll tell you that the bus was soooo full we rode on the top!!!! (which I also found out today is illegal)..... Boy=Male Chilren. Specifically one on the street who came at Sneha and I with a khukari (Nepali knife) while we were walking on the street! I honestly think my heart leaped into my throat! Then he turned around an laughed. But here is the deal, boys on the street try to scare people (not just foreigners) in attempt to make them drop their bags so that they can run off with their money and wares. So even though I was terrified and screamed (although I know Sangita screamed louder!) I feel sad for the boy and what he has turned to. So, now that we've been through all of these it seems like nothing, but let me tell you, it has taken me until now to keep all the Nepali B words straight!

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