Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Praying for rain or praying for no rain?

It hasn't rained in LaGrange for a long time now. Majority of the people here farm and they have not had a good year. Even with zero knowledge about farming I can tell that the crops are not the best. The corn plants are not the right size and right color because they are not getting enough water. Craig told me how much they have been praying for water.

As much as we wanted it to rain, Misty and I had been praying for it to not rain yesterday! We had our camp out planned and the weather forecast was a negative for our planning. Brian and Sarah arrived and it started to rain early afternoon. We stayed in and baked some cake. Misty taught us how to decorate them. I made a bugs bunny cake, Sarah made a dinosaur and Brian made a superman cake! Thankfully it stopped  raining as we got done with our cakes and we left home in the evening!


We had a big fire going by the creek where we cooked our burgers and toasted marshmallows. Zach taught me how to cast a fishing rod although I didn't catch any fish! Luckily it didst rain the whole night and we all slept well in the tent!

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